Thursday, November 22, 2012

Winter Concert Info

Here is the order of songs for our Winter Concert...

Where Eagles Soar
El Camino Real
Air For Band
Give Me Five

Bells Of Christmas
Let It Snow
Jingle Bell Rock
I'll Be Home For Christmas
Sleigh Ride
I Want A Hippopotamus 
Christmas Festival

Please start thinking about what kind of food you would like to bring... We normally do a potluck type thing where we bring food to share with the audience during and after the performance... People always cook up something super delicious, so it makes these types of concerts more fun and rewarding... 

And again, please pencil in these concert dates:

December 19 (Wed) - Winter Concert, Niu Valley Middle School Cafeteria, 7pm
December 21 (Fri) - Arcadia Retirement Residence, 7pm
December 23 (Sun) - Hawaii Kai Retirement Community, 3pm

HBH members, please let us know if you will not be able to make a concert... 

Also, REHEARSAL ON DECEMBER 5 will start at 8pm.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to send us an email...

Thank you... And a Happy Thanksgiving to all... =)


Sunday, November 18, 2012

Upcoming Performance Dates!

Happy Sunday!

Just some dates to keep in mind...

December 19 (Wed) - Winter Concert, Niu Valley Middle School Cafeteria, 7pm
December 21 (Fri) - Arcadia Retirement Residence, 7pm
December 23 (Sun) - Hawaii Kai Retirement Community, 3pm 

Some additional information regarding the Winter Concert... We normally do a potluck type thing where we bring food to share with the audience during and after the performance... People always cook up something super delicious, so it makes these types of concerts more fun and rewarding...  

Please check your email for the Winter Concert flyer... I would post it here but I don't know how to do that from my iPhone yet... 

Thank you and see you all on Wednesday!