Sunday, August 11, 2013


Just a head's up HBHers! Due to school related events, there will be NO REHEARSAL on AUGUST 14 and AUGUST 21... That's this and next Wednesday... Sorry for any inconveniences!

See you guys back on August 28! Thanks for your understanding!

Gina, your always mostly kinda strange clarinet playing weirdo... =)

Thursday, August 1, 2013

HBH Member Update 8/1/13

Good morning HBHers!

Happy August. =) It's 2:25am and it is way too humid...

Due to a Niu Valley Middle School music department meeting next week Wednesday, AUGUST 7, we will be having rehearsal in the MUSIC ROOM. The doors to the music room will be closed, although unlocked. We will be leaving the doors closed to help direct the flow of NVMS parents finding the band room, where the doors will be open. Just don't want to create any confusion for them.

Most of the percussion equipment should be in the room. If you can, please bring your own sticks. If you cannot or don't have your own, please let us know as soon as you can so everything can be brought over from the band room in time before the meeting starts.

Okay, and moving on... We will not be having rehearsals on August 14 and August 21 due to Niu Valley Middle School music department stuff. I'll send another reminder about this again next week. Sorry for the inconveniences this may cause.

And again, if you have any suggestions of pieces you'd like HBH to play... Please do not hesitate!

And I think that is all. Please let me know if I forgot anything! See you next week (August 7) at the music room!

Gina, your now quite sporadic HBH Member Update writing, clarinet playing weirdo...

Thursday, July 4, 2013

HBH Thank Yous...

Hello HBHers!

Thank you very much again to everyone for taking time out of your July 4 holiday to share our music for residents at HKRC... They always appreciate our presence and enjoy having us... A couple of audience members were moved to tears... 

Thank you to Allison for always allowing us to be a part of HKRC festivities... We love playing there... =)

Thank you to Wayne for always allowing us to practice at NVMS and for trusting us with your percussion equipment... 

Thank you Daniel for being such an awesome conductor... If it weren't for you, I'd always forget that I'm in supposed to be in 2 and not 4... Haha...

Thank you to Ben for stepping up to the plate to emcee. And for driving the Penske. I'm glad that isn't my job. I wouldn't be able to do either...

Thank you to the volunteers who helped with the percussion equipment today... That stuff can be heavy!

Thank you to our two brave members who stepped in and sight read at today's performance... You guys did good... =)

Thank you to anyone else I might've missed...

And thank you again to everyone for your hard work... =)

Not a thank you, but who is interested in going on the HBH Japan trip? It'll be frm around 6/16/14... 

Errrrr... Is that it?

Seeya guys next Wednesday! Have a great weekend...

Gina, your after concert popcorn consuming clarinet playing weirdo...

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

July 4th Performance Reminders!

Hi HBHers!

Just a reminder... We have a Fourth of July performance at Hawaii Kai Retirement Community, Phase II at 2:30pm... 

Please be there by 1:45pm or so to help set up and stuff... If you are helping with moving percussion equipment, please meet at the Niu Valley Bandroom at 1pm. We have a Penske. =)

Aloha or patriotic attire is good. Please bring your own folding stand if you have one. We'll bring a few extra if you don't own one. And don't forget your instrument!

Order of music:
(HLCO - Star Spangled Banner)
Where Eagles Soar
Stars & Stripes
Amazing Grace
Kentucky 1800
(Flt/Clr quartet - Alleluia)
Armed Forces Salute
The Incredibles
America the Beautiful

And on another not July 4th related topic, who is interested in going on the HBH Japan trip?

Is that it???

Thanks... =)

Gina, your strange purple loving clarinet playing weirdo...

Monday, May 27, 2013

HBH Member Updates - NO REHEARSAL 5/29/13

Good evening HBHers!

THERE WILL BE NO REHEARSAL THIS WEEK due to 5,000,000 things happening on Wednesday night and it would be easier just to cancel rehearsal... Sorry for the last minute change...

We have an upcoming performance on July 4 at 2:30pm at Hawaii Kai Retirement Community, Phase II... Please let me know ASAP if you are able to make it or not...

Sorry again for the inconvenience and seeya next week!

Thank you,

Gina, your HBH Member Updates sending email inbox flooding clarinet playing weirdo...

Sunday, May 26, 2013

HBH Member Updates 5/26/13

Hello HBHers...

Sorry this is a bit late... I would've sent this earlier but I wanted to type this from a computer rather than from my iPhone... And today was the first opportunity I had...

Just wanted to say thank you to all of you for your hard work! We had many, many positive comments frm members of the audience this Spring Concert. I think this was probably one of our best concerts so far...

I would especially like to thank, in no particular order:

Daniel for conducting us, juggling time between being a super busy new daddy and work and everything else... Congratulations again daddy...

Wayne for all the time he spends at the bandroom just so we can practice and always allowing us to always use Niu Valley equipment and facilities. Facilities as in bandroom and cafeteria... Well, bathroom too, but to me when I see facilities, it means bathroom... So I could've just written bandroom and cafeteria instead of using facilities in the first place. And for conducting us when Daniel isn't there...

Ben for volunteering to emcee for us... I know how it's been the most wanted ever volunteer job for us HBH members, LOL.

Mika for speeding to 7-Eleven 10 minutes before the concert start time to buy a thing of soda since everybody brought the most delicious food ever but nothing to drink... LOL... That's okay though... It's actually my fault for not making a food sign-up sheet and failing to mention anything about this earlier like I should've...

Jen for helping organize the awesome diaper cake idea and turning that into a reality for us... I honestly wouldn't have even known that existed... And here I was just gonna buy Daniel some diapers and throw it all at him at the concert... It's a good thing we have Jen... LOL.

And to everyone and their families for the delicious food, the great company, the awesome musicianship, and all the energetic... Energy.

AND TO THE HOLO LE`A CLARINET `OHANA! Oops... I forgot to put this in the email... SORRY!!! Thanks to you guys for putting up with my weirdness and demands to do clarinet things all the time... Thank you for being supportive of my clarinet ensemble dreams... Wait, were we in C#? LOL...

Did I forget anyone? If I did, I apologize... =(

I almost forgot to mention... We had a bunch of grateful residents approach me at Hawaii Kai Retirement Community after our performance last Saturday... They really enjoyed what we had to share with them and begged the coordinator to have us come back again soon... So...

We have an UPCOMING PERFORMANCE on JULY 4 at 2:30pm at Hawaii Kai Retirement Community, Phase II... Please let me know ASAP if you are able to make it or not... Otherwise, I still can cancel...

I think that's it... If I forgot to mention something, please remind me. Otherwise... Rehearsal on Wednesday... Same time, same place...

Thank you,

Gina, again using the work computer for non-work related purposes and not making any sense HBH member update email sending person...

Thursday, May 16, 2013

HBH Member Updates 5/16/13

Good afternoon...

Just a reminder to those like me who almost forgot we have 2 concerts coming up... There are 2 concerts coming up, haha... Please read carefully as I have tried my best to compile all the information that I haven't sent out for the past month to try to spare you 5,000,000 HBH Member Update emails...

May 18 (Saturday) is at Hawaii Kai Retirement Community, Phase I. This is a HKRC requested concert to help celebrate their Armed Forces Day festivities. Call time is 2pm... We start at 2:45pm... Please bring your own folding stand if possible. Otherwise, let me know and I'll try to bring a few extras along for those who need it.

May 22 (Wednesday) is our Spring Concert at Niu Valley Middle School... Cafeteria, I think. There is a very slight chance that we may be moved from the cafeteria to the band room because of a Niu Valley Middle School thing. But for now, let's say cafeteria... We'll know for sure on Wednesday, haha... Call time is 6pm? We start at 7pm... But please try come early if possible to help move equipment and set up... 

Aloha attire for both concerts... =)

Due to having 5,000,000 things on my mind, I failed to mention our traditional Spring Concert potlucks... We usually bring some food for the audience members to munch on during the concert and for us to share with each other after our concert is done. If you'd like to contribute to our food sharing fun, please bring something along! This is optional of course... =)

If you haven't written your name on the availability paper passed around at last night's rehearsal, please let me know via email (name and instrument) if you will be playing for the concerts. I'm working on the program and don't want to exclude anyone if you haven't been able to attend recent rehearsals due to school or work or conflicting band rehearsals or whatever it might've been but are planning on playing for the Spring Concert. If possible, please respond by Sunday... I am not sure if I'll have access to a computer for program editing after that...

And if you haven't started advertising for the Spring Concert, here is our flyer... The one thing I am asking for your help with is advertising for the Spring Concert... The less we advertise, the less attendance in audience... Please help get those flyers out if you want people to come... Since we are a fairly new organization, most people still haven't heard about HBH... Any help is appreciated!

I think that's it... Maybe... Hopefully... If I forgot anything, please let me know ASAP!

Thank you so much again for always being such a great group of people to make music with... Your presence in HBH makes HBH what we are today, a fun, semi-weird group of music making individuals... HBH is family... Thank you for everything... I appreciate each and every one of you...

Thank you much again and see you at the concerts!

Gina, your not supposed to be using the work computer for non-work related things but obviously doesn't follow rules HBH Member Update sending clarinet playing weirdo...

Sunday, April 7, 2013

No Rehearsal 4/10/13

Happy Sunday HBHers!

Just a reminder... There will be NO REHEARSAL on APRIL 10... Due to Parade of Bands, it seems many of us will be busy that night...

So... Have an awesome week and we'll see you back on the 17th!


Sunday, March 31, 2013

Upcoming 2013 Spring Concerts!

Hello all!

Just a reminder about our upcoming performances set for May:

May 18 (Saturday) - Hawaii Kai Retirement Community, 2:45pm - Armed Forces Day
May 22 (Wednesday) - Niu Valley Middle School Cafeteria, 7pm - Spring Concert

If you have a small ensemble for our Guest Stage of our concert program that you'd like to put together for a piece or two, please let us know too... The Holo Lea Clarinet Ohana is planning on performing... Anyone else?

Please check your inboxes for the 2013 Spring Concert flyer... Print and distribute as you like... It's up to all of us to help get the word out about our concerts!

Also, if there is a piece for the band that you'd like to recommend, please don't hesitate to suggest it... Just not Polovetsian or Cowboys, LOL...

And before I forget, there will be NO REHEARSAL ON APRIL 10... Thanks for your understanding...

Anyway, have an awesome Easter Sunday and see everyone again next week! =)

Sunday, January 13, 2013

No Rehearsal 1/16/13

Happy belated 2013 HBHers!

Please note there will be NO REHEARSAL THIS WEEK (January 16) due to a Niu Valley Middle School meeting that will be held in the band room... We will be unable to use the band room just for this week... Rehearsal will resume on January 23...

Again, NO REHEARSAL on January 16... See you on January 23!

Thank you!