Thursday, December 20, 2012

HBH Thank Yous and Reminder...

Great job at the concert tonight everybody! I know there were a few shaky moments, but we all pulled through and made it happen...

Thank you to everyone who brought delicious food tonight. Everything was super tasty! I had a hard time eating the jello Christmas tree because it was so cute, haha...

Thank you again to all of the students who came out to join us... Your presence makes the band much fuller and more exciting...

Thank you to Shayna Pak for being tonight's emcee... Appreciate that much... But I think I'll pass on doing the Tholenese Sleigh Ride intro from now on, haha. That was total fail... I don't have it in me to be a great public speaker like yourself... You're a natural... =)

Thank you to Daniel Akemoto for always doing such a great job conducting us and being accepting of us and dealing with ppl like me who start laughing at inappropriate times. Your vision of HBH is one that helped turn this band into a sense of "family," which in turn makes playing in HBH much more relaxing and enjoyable...

And last but not least, thank you to Wayne Fanning... For being patient with us and being very generous in allowing us to use Niu Valley equipment and providing us a place to rehearse and perform... You have been very accommodating to this grp and we appreciate you tremendously... 

We wouldn't be where we are today if it weren't for everyone's efforts... Thank you all...

And a gentle reminder for our last two performances of the year...
12/21/12 (Friday) Arcadia Retirement Residence, 7pm
12/23/12 (Sunday) Hawaii Kai Retirement Community, 3pm

As always, call time is approximately one hour before performance start time... Aloha attire...

PLEASE BRING YOUR OWN FOLDING STAND if you have one... It'll help make equipment moving much easier...

Thank you so much again for everything...

Your grateful HBH president who still would rather just say she is the HBH member update email sending, inbox flooding person,


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