Tuesday, November 11, 2014

HBH Thank Yous


Just a few thank yous...

Thank you HBH for your community service today at HKRC. 

I know sometimes we seem a little disorganized. Partly because we each make our contributions to this grp in our own way and partly because as members, we are in control together of how we want to move this organization forward. 

The residents thoroughly enjoyed listening to us today and I heard a lot of positive comments. However, it was suggested by several ppl that it would've been nice to include God Bless America in our music selection. We'll keep this in mind for next time.

Thank you Hawaii Kai Retirement Community for having us! We always look forward to and enjoy sharing music with your residents. We hope we helped contribute a small something to your Veterans Day festivities. We appreciate you and all of your veterans who served in the US Armed Forces. 

Thank you Ben for doing the super awesome emcee work that everyone is always thrilled to volunteer for. You always do a great job and I think you're hired for all future announcement jobs. Hahaha.

Thank you to Wayne for always letting us rehearse each week at NVMS. Thank you for always letting us take up your work time to make noise. Thank you for letting us use your truck for moving perc stuff and thank you for letting us use perc stuff. 

Thank you Daniel for always guiding us. Without you, HBH wouldn't be possible. 

If I forgot anyone, pls forgive me. I can barely remember which day of the week it is. 

Thank you guys again!

Gina, currently craving popcorn because HKRC smelled like popcorn...

Sent from my iPhone

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